Case Study

Juwelia jewelry

Juwelia has developed from a hobby into an exclusive online jewelry store. Their range includes high-quality, classic and trendy pieces, refined with Swarovski crystals. They offer first-class jewelry at attractive prices, with particular attention to customer satisfaction and quality.

Results at a glance

Growth on all levels

Revenue growth

Within 3 years, sales grew 6.63 times


Despite the pressure on click prices, profitability remained on target


A European market expansion is planned

Market share gains

Juwelia managed to gain a market share of 73%

Revenue growth

Within 3 years, sales grew 6.63 times


Despite the pressure on click prices, profitability remained on target


A European market expansion is planned

Market share gains

Juwelia managed to gain a market share of 73%

Results in numbers


Revenue growth

0+ Jahre



Market share

The challenge

A successful market entry that increases revenue while ensuring profitability. With numerous competitors and narrow profit margins, this should be a real challenge.

The results

The share of impressions (visibility) increased from 9% to 77% within 3 years, making Juwelia an established brand on the Dutch market.
Sales increased 6.63 times within 3 years

The approach

  • We started a branding campaign to make the Juwelia name known to the target group. The campaign consisted primarily of video and display ads. Based on engagement metrics and branded search queries, we were able to determine that the targeting and messaging was spot on.
  • We applied the secret eCommerce campaign mix that resulted in a major increase in sales. We not only optimized the feed, but also invested a lot of energy in the structure of the campaigns to maximize the potential for success.
  • Through market and internal research, we identified (potential) top sellers, which now make up a large portion of sales.

The challenge

A successful market entry that increases revenue while ensuring profitability. With numerous competitors and narrow profit margins, this should be a real challenge.

The approach

  • We started a branding campaign to make the Juwelia name known to the target group. The campaign consisted primarily of video and display ads. Based on engagement metrics and branded search queries, we were able to determine that the targeting and messaging was spot on.
  • We applied the secret eCommerce campaign mix that resulted in a major increase in sales. We not only optimized the feed, but also invested a lot of energy in the structure of the campaigns to maximize the potential for success.
  • Through market and internal research, we identified (potential) top sellers, which now make up a large portion of sales.

The results

The share of impressions (visibility) increased from 9% to 77% within 3 years, making Juwelia an established brand on the Dutch market.
Sales increased 6.63 times within 3 years

We started our shop 9 months ago (...) I'm really happy with the support from Kundenrakete as I would never have been able to do it myself.

Peter MeijerManaging Director - Juwelia